The White House
Intern / Summer 2016
During the summer of 2016, I interned in the Office of Digital Strategy in the Obama administration. I worked with the Director of Product on designs for, the WeThePeople petition site, the TSA, and other projects.
White House Messenger Bot

While in office, President Obama read 10 letters a day from citizens across the country. He repeatedly said it was one of the most important parts of his day — a vital way he kept in touch with the thoughts and feelings of Americans.
Introducing a White House Facebook Messenger bot — a new way citizens could write the President — was not a random idea, but rather a logical extensions of one of President Obama's important routines. In designing the page announcing the product, it was my job to communicate this.
To do this, I decided to ground the Facebook Messenger bot in historical significance, through the graphics and copy on the page.
In addition to designing the announcement landing page, I also developed the page in Drupal, which was launching on
Introducing a White House Facebook Messenger bot — a new way citizens could write the President — was not a random idea, but rather a logical extensions of one of President Obama's important routines. In designing the page announcing the product, it was my job to communicate this.
To do this, I decided to ground the Facebook Messenger bot in historical significance, through the graphics and copy on the page.
In addition to designing the announcement landing page, I also developed the page in Drupal, which was launching on
Early Sketches

Final Designs on

Press & Response
The product launch got a lot of press, but the most satisfying part of the project was seeing The President personally read and respond to one of the letters received through Messenger himself.